Monday, June 13, 2011

Racing safety water additives

If you are using a water-based extinguishing system, or even have pressurized water extinguishers, it is important to know about water additives.

Our company sells FireAide 2000...while I really like this product, there are other good products available.  The advantages of using these products is basically three issues...first of all, it helps remove heat from fires like crazy...secondly, it makes water appropriate for any fire except electrical...thirdly, unburned fuel that is covered with FireAide will not burn, in fact, we could extinguish a fusee in fuel we had just extinguished with FireAide.  In general, they are non-toxic, biodegradable, and non-corrosive.  Can't say that for dry chemical.

Extinguishers can be easily refilled and returned to service using these agents...refill, re-pressurize, and they are ready!

What agents are you using and why?  Very interested to hear some feedback.


Fire Tiger Fire Suppression Systems

Just a note...the fire system I designed a couple of years ago is now known as the "Fire Tiger Fire Suppression System."  Several systems have been sold...$3495.00...comes ready to go, including 5 gals of FireAide 2000.  Please view our videos on our Facebook page and on YouTube.
