Monday, September 3, 2012

Effective fire fighting

OK folks...throw out the fact that I own a company that manufactures a water-based fire suppression is the truth--we need to convert our racing fire suppression efforts to water/foam-based systems!

I am weary of reading and hearing about situations where drivers are burned and/or cars destroyed because the responsible safety crew was not equipped to fight real racing fires.  Face it- dry chemical agents do not absorb heat--dry chemical does not prevent unburned fuel from becoming a flaming liquid--dry chemical are a respiratory irritant to the driver and the safety crew using it--dry chemical drastically reduces visibility of the driver and the safety crew, and the list goes on and on. 

Conversely, the water/foam agent does absorb heat- reducing potential burn injuries, speeds extinguishment, and reduces/prevents re-ignition of the fire--it does prevent unburned fuel from becoming burning fuel--it is not a respiratory irritant- in fact, most are non-toxic, non-corrosive, and biodegradable- a status not claimed by dry chemical agents--it does not decrease visibility at the scene.

The drivers in the series I work with as their Safety Director/primary responder understand that if they have a fire anywhere near them, they can plan on getting wet.  I have jokingly told them that I hope they can swim, because they are going to get REALLY wet! 

There is no free lunch, as the old saying goes...there is a cost to everything.  Financially and operationally, water/foam is far more user friendly than dry chemical systems.  Water/foam hand-held and larger systems can usually be refilled quickly by staff at the track...not so for dry chemical extinguishers.  While there is a cost for both agents, the foam products are extremely user friendly...not so for dry chemical products. 

Why do we continue to use dry chemical extinguishing technology?  The argument can be made that it is better than nothing...and that is not a very supportive argument.  We need to work within our track management teams and through our sanctioning bodies to make these changes.  We owe it to ourselves and to our drivers and car owners to do our best, with the best possible technology...the future starts now!

Remember, at the end of the day, everyone goes home standing up!