Thanks to those who take the time to visit this blog!
The purpose of this blog is for folks to be able to intelligently (most of the time) discuss thoughts and ideas concerning auto racing safety. Whether in the racing safety industry or not, I invite you share our blog. I have been blessed with many years of participation in racing as either a EMT-Paramedic or as a Safety Team member, doing emergency care, firefighting, extrication, and the always necessary track cleanup. I have also been blessed with having many friends and a couple of mentors in the world of racing safety who are passionate about what we do and are very good at doing it! I look forward to seeing this blog develop as a site where the "BS stops when the green flag drops." It is ok to strongly disagree with an idea or concept is not ok to be disagreeable. Let make this the best racing safety blog on the internet...with your help, it is possible.
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